We join 2017 Hualien International Stone workshop
July 19, 2017
This workshop is a journey with stone industry and Taiwanese brand from 20th to 25th July in beautiful east Taiwan - Hualien. During these 6 days, designers explored 6 different stone manufacturers and learned the material and processes limitations from experts, then create latest stone design dailyobjects for brands' and designers' next season products.
read more : http://www.lostudiodellapietra.com/

First place of Milan Salone Satellite Award 2017!
April 03, 2017
Our design, Comma Stool, won the the first place of Milan Salone Satallite Award.
We want to thank everyone who visited us at the fairs.

We are heading to Milan Salone Satellite 2017!
January 01, 2020
This is the second time we are going to exhibit our design in Milan Salone.
And our new design, Comma Stool / Chair, will in the competition of Milan Salone Satellite Award.
Hope we can share good news to you! :)
Salone Satellite : http://www.salonemilano.it/en/

FDA 2017 final contest in Singapore Design Week!
February 05, 2017
FDA ( Furniture Desgin Award of Singapore ) is a world famous furniture desgin contest.
Comma Chair / Stool have been selected into final contest. The final contest will be hold on march 6th.
At same time, we will show our design in Singapore design week.
FDA finalist : http://furnituredesignaward.sg/fda-2017

"Design Star" exhibition and interview
February 05, 2017
Thanks IFFS ( International Funiture Fair Singapore ) for give us a opportunity
to talk about our blief and dream.
Please click the link below to read more.

We are moving to Taipei Songshan Creator Factory.
December 15, 2016
More information about Songshan Creator Factory :

2016 Taiwan Designers’ Week 3x3 Exhibition
October 09, 2016
Pistacchi Design will attand Taiwan Desginer’s Week 3x3 Exhition this year.
Hope to see you there. More informations of Taiwan Desginers’ Week :

Pistacchi win the Yilan Chair Desgin Contest!
September 03, 2016
Good News! Pistacchi Design’s design “No,123 Blocks Chair” win silver award of Yilan Chair Design Contest.
More informations of Yilan Design Contest : http://www.bluedragonart.com.tw/ycdaward/2016-competition/

Pistacchi Dsign will show their new collections in Paris M&O 2016
September 03, 2016
We will attand Maison & Objet exhibition during september 2 to 6 in Paris.
More informations of M&O : http://www.maison-objet.com/en